IT skills
web technology
- Github code management, review and team development experience
- Infrastructure code management using Docker
- Creating web applications and API using Ruby on Rails
- Vue.js
- Experience of IoT development using AWSIoTCore and drone (Tello)
- VUI development(Alexa Skill Kit)
Image and spatial processing
- AzureKinect, Kinect v2, OpenPose(for posture estimation)
- Image processing technology
- 3D modeling by Metashape
- Object recognition and segmentation
Programming language(for research or work)
- Embedded development(PIC, AVR, H8, Arduino, mbed, M5Stack)
- .NET Framework
- English / Chinese daily conversation level
- Japanese native level
- Ruby Programmer “Silver”
- TOEIC 795
Skills I want to improve
Spatial computing
- Spatial grasp technology using a depth sensor
- XR technology by HoloLens
Chinese language (Business level)
Tokyo Institute of Technology
My research
Research fields: Human engineering/Biopsychology/Image processing/Statistics
Past paper: “Influence of expectation for rewards on pupil information during an interactive game“
Current research theme: “Evaluation of cognitive physical ability of elderly people by stair climbing motion analysis”
Extracurricular activity
Created a human-powered airplane. Engineered tailor steering mechanism and steering system(fly by wire).
Test flights
Test flights every week
Birdman Contest 2017
Awarded 5th in the distance category
Developed “Shirupedia”
people: 3
Responsibilities: PM web infrastructure API
Technology: Ruby on Rails / Docker / React native
Developed “dog-walking tool”
Period: 1 week
Lifesaving drone
Junior high and high school days
I started electronic work using PIC and AVR in my junior high school. During high school, I managed a physics club which has 60 members.
Built a claw crane
2012/03 ~ 2012/10
2012/10 ~ (Improvement)
People: 1
Directed the robot production team
People: 7
Built an AI on a robot
Period: 2013
People: 1